How much data does web browsing use?

How much data does web browsing use?

Do Websites Consume Much Data?

With the advent of social media, a lot of people utilize various platforms in their daily lives. For communication, business, entertainment and other purposes, data has become delicate to the hearts of many. We can say it is a priority among priorities on the tables of many. No matter how hard times may be, there is certainly one thing many people may not lack and that is the internet data.

Do Websites Consume Much Data?

Now the question that boggles minds is, How much data does web browsing use?, Do websites really consume a lot of data? Well, we get to see and understand in this article if websites really use up or ‘devour’ data.

What is Web browsing?

Web browsing is the act of accessing the World Wide Web for an intended purpose. 

Web browsing is carried out through a Web Browser. A web browser (a browser) refers to an application software used for accessing the World Wide Web. Some of the most popular web browsers which is widely used are Google Chrome, Microsoft, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera

What are Websites and their Purposes?

A website is a set of interconnected web pages on the World Wide Web (WWW) that are ordinarily accessible from the same URL and inhere on the same server. Sounds too technical? From, it is a set of interlinked pages, usually including a homepage generally hosted on a server, prepared  and maintained as a collection of information by an individual, group, or organization. They are digital files incorporating texts, images, videos, audio and or other files. 

The purpose of websites is enormous and these purposes serve the interests of end-users depending on users’ needs.

  • One of the basic purposes is to make money because a lot of businesses today are conducted online. Businesses host their brand on websites to establish their authority and online presence. Websites are comparatively cheaper to maintain compared to the traditional way of doing business. And also there are a lot of returns from creating a website for your business you will reap.
  • They also provide information, entertainment and online education to users. Academic fees tend to plunge scores of students into debts they can not defray. There are a host of websites offering tuition at affordable costs and students now leverage this opportunity. Youtube website for example provides informing the content and entertaining shows for users
  • Most people are now ditching journaling for blogging now and websites serve such purposes.

What is browsing ‘data’ or internet data?

The ‘data’ in focus here is the internet data or browsing data. It is some kind of provision to you by your network service provider when you subscribe to a smartphone plan or mobile data plan and it always requires a SIM card. Data is measured in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), and gigabytes (GB). We use data anytime we connect to the internet over a connection other than Wi-Fi for our online actions,

How much data does web browsing use on websites?

Typically, a web page or website does not use up much data or bandwidth. A normal web page is normally less than 3MB in size and will download in a few seconds.

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Nonetheless, for your data to be consumed by a website depends on the kind of website you are visiting and the contents it is stuffed with.

The amount of data you use up vary from site to site as some sides are made up of rich content ( videos and Images). 

Let us step up with YouTube. Streaming high-quality content on YouTube is capable of using up your data plan if you do not prepare or buy much internet data bundle.

If you wish to stay on a minimum budget of internet data plan, then it is up to you to normalize streaming with SD(480p).

Using the lowest quality for instance on Netflix will consume around 5MB/minute, medium quality will take up 9MB/minute and the highest quality will consume 17MB/minute which almost equals a GB for an hour. 

Social media websites  like Facebook also have their peculiar nature when it comes to consuming data.

We have noticed it depends on the content you are viewing that warrants the website to ‘devour’ your data or not. To prevent websites from really taking much data from your device, websites such as Google chrome and Opera have built-in data savers. Optimize data usage by enabling such functions.

We believe you now understand and have an idea on the question; How much data does web browsing use? and how much data websites consume.

What are Websites and their Purposes?

In our next article, we will delve into how to reduce data usage and stay within your plans. Kindly bookmark us and keep in touch.

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