The Greenovations Africa program 2023 is currently open. They are looking for a business with an innovative solution in Africa that tackles existing challenges in one of the following green sectors:
- Smart agriculture
- Renewable energy
- Waste management
- Water management
- Climate action
See Also: 2023 Youth Leaders (YoLe) Fellowship Program
About The 2023 Program By Greenovations Africa
- 6-months incubation and 3-months post-incubation program using a blended approach encompassing online capacity-building training with online courses to develop hard skills and competencies needed to understand the selected sector/market segment and strengthen the innovative product and /or service development;
- Integration in local tech hubs/Fab labs from the AfriLabs community/network across the continent, with access to facilities including physical space for co-working, labs, etc. to support the development of the prototypes and MVP;
- Mentoring support with one-on-one coaching conversation, dedicated technical expert support and business coaching from experts from the ecosystem;
- Access to market places, Africa-focused investors, and funding opportunities through UNFCCC’s investment mechanisms for the deployment of the viable business models for the products/services;
- Exposure to international institutions and forums supporting the implementation of green /climate solutions:
- Open for innovators across the continent.
Also Check: Shell Graduate Programme 2023/2024
Eligibility Criteria:
- Be a young African aged below 35 old, holding a passport of one of the member countries of the African Union.
- Be based in one or more countries on the African continent.
- Have an innovative green business in an early stage of development.
- Be digitally literate (know how to use the internet, computers, etc.)
- Be fluent in English.
Note: Young African women are encouraged to apply.
Apply: Nesternship Program For 2023
How To Submit An Application For
Closing Date: April 24, 2023