Paul Poku Sampene Ossei, a pathologist at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital has warned that men who take aphrodisiac, and masturbate are at a higher risk of dying prematurely.
He discouraged the usage of aphrodisiac and excessive masturbation.
Men who take aphrodisiacs to gratify themselves and their relationships run the risk of dying, according to Dr. Sampene.
Men who take aphrodisiac, masturbate at risk of dying prematurely
He pointed out that most men may perform behaviors that are beyond their heart rate in an effort to prolong the act of sexual contact. He claims that guys who use these enhancers may have overworked hearts that are prone to passing out during sex. The unexpected deaths are due to heart abnormalities.
“These days in Ghana the young guys take alcohol mixed with some many aphrodisiacs, especially those that can give you potency within the shortest possible time and then they go in for the act and probably go beyond their limits.”
“Additionally, there are others who have irregularities in the heart’s muscle or parts of its channels. So even though some people may not take sex enhancers, they nevertheless pass away during the act due to these issues.”
Research has shown that the heart’s activity during ejaculation can be compared to someone jogging more than 800 meters, according to Dr. Sampene.
Sex Positions Causes Death
Recall that an expert alleged that people’s favorite sex position, ‘doggy’, causes stroke.
Paul Poku Sampene Ossei also refuted the idea that sex positions cause deaths.
“The sex position doesn’t really matter. However, during sex, the heart is highly vital. If you are running and you get so exhausted even after a short period of time, you should be aware that your actions are not being supported by your heart,” the speaker stated.
However, he advised men to exercise caution because their lifestyle has a significant impact on their sex lives.
Men who take aphrodisiac, masturbate at risk of dying prematurely – Expert cautions