BECE School Placement Latest Update Today

Ghana Education Service GES

Here is the latest update on the BECE School Placement Today. The Ministry of Education’s (MoE) Public Relations Officer, Kwasi Kwarteng provided the following updates on the school placement release date.

Is the BECE School Placement Out?

The CSSPS School placement process has reached its last stage, according to the Ministry of Education’s PRO, who said in an interview on UTV on Monday that the placements will be disclosed at any time between now and March 21st.

According to him, the CSSPS’s management is nearing completion of the BECE school placement.

So when will the BECE School Placement be out (Update)?

According to the Ministry of Education’s PRO, placements will be disclosed at any time between now and March 21st 

The BECE School Placement Cut Off Points (Update)

The school placement cut-off point has been declared by the management of the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS), as they prepare to reveal the 2021 school placement of candidates that took the BECE last year.

According to a CSSPS staff member, there is no exact cut-off point for school placement, however his organization will not put BECE pupils who have an aggregate score of 9 in English Language or Mathematics this year.

The CSSPS staff explained that the school placement is done based on six subjects namely; English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies and two additional best-performed subjects of a candidate.

How Is BECE School Placement Done

BECE school placement is determined by your overall performance and the school choices made by pupils during the BECE school selection process. The following is a breakdown of how your school selection choices and aggregate will be utilized to place you into senior high schools:

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  • Students with Aggregate 6 to Aggregate 10 are usually given first Choice.
  • Students with Aggregate 11 to Aggregate 19 are usually given Second Choice.
  • Students with Aggregate 20 to Aggregate 29 usually get third and fourth choices in school placement.
  • Students with Aggregate 30 to Aggregate 35 get 5th choice in school placement.

Is it possible to Change your School After BECE School Placement (Update)

Yes, it is possible to change your placement. However, you must meet the following requirements.

Candidates who are not automatically placed in any of their chosen schools must go through the self-placement portal.

The Self-placement is a technique that allows you to log into the CSSPS portal and choose from schools that have openings.

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The Ghana Education Service (GES) was established, as part of the Public Service of Ghana, in 1974 by NRCD 247 and was subsequently amended by NRCD 252, 357 and SMCD 63. Under the forth Republican Constitution of Ghana, these earlier legislations have been amended by Acts of Parliament, including Act 506 (1994) and Act 778 (2008). The GES is governed by a fifteen-member Council called the GES Council.

Vision Statement

Ghana Education Service seeks to create an enabling environment in all educational institutions and management positions that will facilitate effective teaching and learning and efficiency in the management for the attainment of the goals of the Service.

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Mission Statement

To ensure that all Ghanaian children of school-going age are provided with inclusive and equitable quality formal education and training through effective and efficient management of resources to make education delivery relevant to the manpower needs of the nation.

GES is responsible for the implementation of approved national pre-tertiary educational policies and programs to ensure that all Ghanaian children of school-going age irrespective of tribe, gender, disability, religious and political affiliations are provided with inclusive and equitable quality formal education.


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