Ferruccio Lamborghini was a war prisoner and was born to a farming household in the small town of Renazzo in Italy. He developed a keen interest in machines and equipments from infancy and opted to study mechanics than to follow his family’s business which was a regrettable decision to his family, most especially his father.
When the second World war moved to it’s peak, he was employed as a mechanical supervisor for the airforce. Germany invaded Italy with its powerful military at that time and totally outsted the italians. Ferruccio Lamborghini, as determined as he was, requested for the authorities to permit him to start his own workshop.
The Allies, after two years took over and apprehended anyone they set eyes on as prisoners in the garrison and among them was Ferruccio Lamborghini. They were highly impressed with his handwork as a mechanic. He was really good in repairing broken parts and fixing car tyres.On the condition that he would be allowed to leave, he was instructed to fix vehicles for one year.
Ferruccio, after Italy plunged into financial crisis, made up his mind to venture into agriculture by building tractors and remodeling military equipment to farming machines.
He started the Lamborghini Tratori in the year 1948 and the whole of Italy were enthused and amazed at the originality of his cars. Soon afterwards, he ventured into oil refinery in the year 1959 and flourished in that sector.
To satisfy his passion, he purchased cars. He bought a Ferrari 250 which didn’t meet his preference for a luxury car as he sighted several faults in various compartments of the car. He then approached the owner of Ferrari apparently to pinpoint the mechanical faults with his manufactured car.
This didn’t go down well for the owner, Enzo Ferrari who used unprintable words on his customer and told him to go and establish his own car company
“Yes, I’m a farmer, but I’ll show you how a sports car should be.” These were the words of the founder of Lamborghini Automobiles, when he was insulted by Enzo Ferrari, who said, ” You’re a tractor driver, a farmer. You shouldn’t complain about my cars. They’re the best in the world.”
These insulting words gingered the offended young man who in 1964, also launched his own Lamborghini Automobile first car and it sparked the interest of the masses to purchase his new car.
Lamborghini Miura, the rear mid engine design has become the grand style and a trend for car enthusiasts around the globe to this day.
Life is full of obstacles and Lamborghini has had its own share of the difficulties but it still remains one of the best most talked about cars in the world today and also one of the most out purchased super cars in the world.