Apply for KDI Global Ambassador Scholarship in Korea 2021. KDI Scholarship is a Fully Funded Korean Scholarship for international students. There is No IELTS/TOEFL needed. Neither there is Any Application Fee required. Extensive scholarship opportunities are available to students that are accepted for admissions to the KDI school. KDI stands for the Korean development Institute of public policy & Management.
Countries that are DAC List of ODA recipient nations are eligible. If a country is not named on the DAC List, applicants from these countries may be conferred a partial, rather than a full scholarship. The scholarshipis for a Master’s & Post Doctoral Degree.The KDI School has been recognized throughout Korea and the world as a premier institution for research and learning in the field of development studies.
During the last ten years, Korea has become one of the most popular destinations for international students studying in Asia. Apart from the pop culture influence, Korea is the leading force in the digital technology industry. The duration of a Master degree is 1.5 year while for PhD degree is 3 years. KDI Scholarship in Korea will cover your’s Tuition Fee, Monthly stipend, Accommodation & Medical insurance.
KDI Global Ambassador Scholarship in Korea 2021 Details
- Country: Korea
- Degree: Master & PhD
- Institute: Korean Development Institute (KDI)
- Deadline: 19 April 2021
Admission Cycle
- Admissions Period: Spring & Fall Admissions
- Spring: Master’s & Ph.D. program, full- & part-time programs
- Fall: Master’s programs only, full-time programs only
- Program Duration: Master(about 1 year, 3 semesters), Ph.D.(at least 3 years)
List of Scholarships at KDI
- Global Ambassador Scholarship: All scholarship benefits are primarily intended for countries named on the DAC List of ODA recipient nations, as published by the OECD.
- Seoul G20 Global Leaders Fellowship: Seoul G20 Global Leaders Fellowship is awarded to a limited number of students.
- NIIED Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees (GKS-G): This scholarship is sponsored by the NIIED (National Institute for International Education).
- KOICA-KDIS Scholarship: KOICA Scholarship Program is designed to nurture key leaders in developing countries who can contribute to the socio-economic development of their home countries.
- Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Scholarship: Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation supports future global talents who will contribute to the mutual development of ASEAN and Korea.
- IBK(Industrial Bank of Korea) IBK sponsors scholars from developing countries who work in national banks or those who handle bank-related responsibilities in public organizations or government offices
- POSCO Asia Fellowship: This scholarship contributes to the joint prosperity and establishment of a talent network through the exchange and cooperation in Asia
- FSS-KFB-KDIS: This scholarship is sponsored by FSS(Financial Supervisory Service of Korea), KFB(Korea Federation of Banks), and KDI School.
- Colombo Plan Scholarship: This scholarship will contribute to development in the Asia Pacific region.
- MIPD Scholarship: MIPD Scholarship enables students to acquire a broader and deeper knowledge of the principles and sources of intellectual property(IP) law.
- A need-Based scholarship is available to domestic students who have financial difficulties. Academic Affairs will notify Need-Based scholarship application with more details each semester.
- Work-Study Scholarship is available to students who are interested. For more scholarships visit here
Financial Benefits
Korean Government Scholarship at KDI is a Fully Funded Scholarship. KDI has multiple scholarships. Each scholarship has different benefits. Applicants will get the following benefits:
- Full Tuition Fee Waiver
- Free Accommodation
- Monthly Stipend to selected students
- Round-trip airfare
- Settlement support
- Departure support
Apply for KAUST Scholarships 2021
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants & Parents Must not be a Citizen of Korea.
- Must be international Students.
- Applicants Must hold a Bachelor’s Degree for Masters or Combined Masters Degree
- Applicant Must hold a Masters Degree for Doctoral Program.
- Proof of English Proficiency is required
How To Apply
The Application Process is Online. Upload the copies of the document in the application form apply. To Apply and for more details please visit KDI Global Ambassador Scholarship.