Free Short Online Courses from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne is open now. Many of you ask about the Importance of International Certification So I would explain in an example.
Don’t you prefer to Study abroad? Of Course your answer must be YES.
And now daily, we update you with online courses. So in this COVID-19 Situation dont waste this time and get yourself Enroll in these EPFL Switzerland Online Courses. EPFL is the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne having best courses in this university.
EPFL Switzerland Courses are for All Nationalities. There is No Age, Academic & Nationality Restriction. It is a Kind of Fully Funded Scholarships For international students, Only difference is you will get this scholarship by Distance Learning Method.
EPFL Switzerland Free Online Courses Details
- Country: Switzerland
- Sponsored By École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
- Nationality: All can Apply
- Deadline: No Deadline, Open All the Year
About EPFL-École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne & EdX
- EPFL is the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Recently EPFL declared as the European institutions of science and technology.
- It is ranked No.1 in Europe in the field of engineering by the Times Higher Education (based on publications and citations), Leiden Rankings, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities.
EPFL has done Partnership with Edx to provide free online courses to international students for those who dreams to come Switzerland but cannot afford fee so EPFL providing this opportunity by providing them Free Online courses with Certificates only you have to pay little amount for Certificate and you will get certification at home.
Available Courses
There are many courses EPFL is provided to international students .It’s not necessary to find exact match of courses of your current degree. You should do different courses of different fields and must add them in your CV to show your diversity.
- Technology Innovation for Sustainable Development
- Programming Reactive Systems
- The Multi-scale brain
- Simulation Neuroscience
- Introduction à l’immunologie: méthode…
- Image Processing and Analysis for Life Scientists
- Groundscape Architecture Design Lab, re-thinking
- Introduction à l’immunologie: aspects f…
- Electronique I
- Electronique II
- Launching New Ventures
- Find the right markets for your innovation
- Foundations of Teaching Science and Engineering
- Cement Chemistry and Sustainable Cementitious…
- Intro to Traffic Flow Modeling and Intelligent…
- Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging
- Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging
- Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 2)
- Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 3)
- Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 1)
- MATLAB and Octave for
- Introduction to Astrophysics
- Introduction àl’astrophysique
- Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function
- Plasma Physics:
- Smart Cities, Management of Smart Urban Infrastructure…
- Urban Infrastructure Management
- Fonctions Trigonométriq…
- Computational Neuroscience: Neuronal…
- Neuronal Dynamics Exploring Humans’ Space
- A Resilient Future:
- Micro and Nanofabrication
- Housing and Cities
- Space Mission Design and Operations
- Basic Steps in Magnetic Resonance
- Conversion électromécanique II
- Introduction l’immunologie
- MATLAB et Octave pour débutants
- Electrotechnique I
- Nature, in Code: Biology in JavaScript
- Electrotechnique II
- Introduction to Discrete
- VERIFIED Mécanique des Fluides
- Water quality and the biogeochemical engine
- Building expertise on developing sustainable…
- Conservation & Protected Areas Management in A…
- Synchrotrons and X-Ray Free Electron Lasers
- Gestion des aires protégées en Afrique
Financial Coverage
- Free Online Classes
- You dont Need to pay Registration Fee
- Latest Knowledge you will gain by EPFL Professors
- Absolutely Free Course Material
Eligibility Criteria
- There is No Restriction for applying in these courses
- No Age Restriction
- No Nationality restriction
- No Previous Academic background needed to submit Any kind of documents during applying for these courses
How To Apply For EPFL Switzerland Online Courses – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Below at the end of this paragraph a Official Link is given in Orange Button. After clicking o that button, you will be directed to courses list on Edx platform open any course you would like to enroll then simply a SIGNUP Form will be appeared fill the form and start taking your classes.