Peace Corps Exciting Job Opportunity

Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is a United States federal agency that promotes international peace, friendship and sustainable development by providing trained men and women to serve in local communities. In Ghana, these trained men and women (Peace Corps Volunteers) work in the areas of Health, Education, and Agriculture.

Peace Corps Ghana is seeking to hire a highly skilled professional for their exciting work opportunity directly with Peace Corps staff, partners, and PCVs and supports the U.S. Peace Corps mission in Ghana to provide leadership in developing and maintaining a program that contributes to the Post’s goal of nurturing and supporting resilient, culturally sensitive, responsible and able Volunteers. The Feed the Future Coordinator leads the Partnering to Build Capacity for Resilient Communities initiative program with Peace Corps Ghana in collaboration with an interdisciplinary program and training team to ensure program results meet U.S. Peace
Corps objectives.

Position: Feed the Future Coordinator

  • Collect data and track the Food Security program to ensure activities are in alignment with the goals and objectives of PC Ghana, USAID, the Feed the Future Initiative, while addressing the local needs and national priorities of Ghana;
  • Build and maintain healthy relationships with PCVs, Peace Corps staff, the Government of Ghana, Non- Governmental Organizations, Community-Based Organizations, the Ghana private sector, media representatives, and other international stakeholder groups;
  • Provide technical support to Peace Corps Volunteers through site visits, phone calls, or during appointments in the office;
  • Work with the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator to develop and update a Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP) for the FTF project;
  • Follow all program reporting requirements as outlined in the Participating Agency Program Agreement between the USAID and Peace Corps Ghana;
  • Compile and submit semi-annual and annual progress reports to Peace Corps and USAID;
  • Prepare for and compile a final progress report to USAID, when appropriate;
  • Coordinate with the Associate Peace Corps Directors for Agriculture, Health, Education, and Training in designing program and training activities;
  • Develop and finalize annual work plans with guidance from USAID;
  • Plan and coordinate program and training events designed to enhance the capacity of PCVs, counterparts, and relevant stakeholders to implement food security practices;
  • Collaborate with the Grants Coordinator to manage PCVs community Food Security grants and projects;
  • Work closely with the Safety and Security Coordinator to coordinate appropriate site development, selection and placement for PCVs;
  • Participate in the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) simulations and implementation of EAP events during actual emergency situations; and
  • Employ appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of all PCVs.
  • General Support to the Peace Corps Mission– 10%
  • Plan and budget for training events in cooperation with the Director of Management and Operations (DMO) and the APCD for Training;
  • Account for all Food Security Program related expenses and file appropriate vouchers;
  • Co-coordinate the recruitment, selection and hiring process for in-country program contractors (LHPSCs) relevant to the Food Security Program;
  • Review, in conjunction with the DMO, SOWs and terms and conditions of contracts with LHPSCs and USPSCs;
  • Review expected standards of performance, reporting requirements, lines of authority, lines of communication and contractor evaluation process with LHPSCs and USPSCs; and
  • Represent PC – Ghana to GOG and community and international partners.
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This position may act as an Occasional Money Handler, as assigned, or be designated at a sub-cashier with appropriate training, to perform work within the scope of duties. The PSC may be required to courier cash and/or purchase orders to various vendors who furnish supplies and/or services to PST/IST training sites, or other locations as directed by the Contracting Officer. The PSC may also be required to courier cash to PC trainees or volunteers. The PSC will not be functioning as a procurement or disbursing official but will only be acting as an intermediary between the Contracting or Disbursing Officer and the recipient. In the case of dealing with vendors, the PSC will not exercise any procurement discretion concerning the supplies or services to be purchased or the cost limits of these purchases; these will be determined by the Contracting Officer; of the Peace Corps Act.
OPR: SS/OO and Global Operations

Safety and Security Duties for all Peace Corps positions:

There are a wide range of duties assigned to all positions of peace corps which are exciting and recommended for all people who need an opportunity to work there know:

  • Addresses safety and security proactively by ensuring appropriate assignments for Volunteers and adhering to Peace Corps site development policies and procedures.
  • Identifies and immediately communicates Volunteer safety and security concerns or issues to the Safety and Security Manager (SSM) and the CD.
  • Ensures prospective sites meet established programmatic and safety/security criteria (e.g., safe housing, a clearly defined assignment with an organization that shows real interest in working with a Volunteer, etc.).
  • Reviews and references site history files when evaluating potential sites. Incorporates appropriate site-specific safety and security-related information into site history files.
  • Ensures designated host country counterparts participate in counterpart orientation/training and are prepared to work with and support Volunteers, including their role in Volunteer safety and security.
  • Maintains communication with each Volunteer and solicits periodic feedback, including information about Volunteer safety and security.
  • Maintains a calendar of Volunteer site visits, and completes appropriate number of site visits to assess Volunteer progress, safety and security, and to provide technical guidance and moral support.
  • Monitors Volunteer compliance with Peace Corps policies, especially related to safety and security, and initiates corrective action as necessary.
  • Participates in the design and implementation of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP).
    Acts as duty officer, as needed.
  • Knowledgeable and supportive of Peace Corps safety and security policies and procedures, including the timely reporting of suspicious incidents, persons or articles.
  • To the extent Contractor operates a US government owned, leased, or rented vehicle (GOV) to perform his or her job duties, Contractor must operate that vehicle safely at all times and only operate it for official business purposes as defined in 31 USC 1334 and Peace Corps MS 522.
  • Contractor must refrain from texting or from engaging in any behavior that distracts attention from driving safely at any time. Except in an emergency situation, Contractor must not text message (i) when driving a GOV; (ii) when driving a privately-owned vehicle (POV) while on official government business; or (iii) while using electronic equipment supplied by the government while driving any vehicle (even during off-duty hours). Authorization must be given by the Country Director for any staff to drive a Peace Corps Vehicle.
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PSC is expected to adhere to Peace Corps code of conducts as mentioned in the PSC contract with reference to PC Manual Sections and the Ghana Staff Handbook.

Temporary Duties (TDY):

  • The contractor is subject to worldwide availability and may be requested by the Peace Corps to be reassigned or transferred permanently to another Peace Corps
  • Post/Headquarters or perform temporary duties (TDY) as required and to travel to other assignments within Peace Corps’ as assigned.

How To Apply

Please send the following materials in an email with the position title in the subject line to

1) A detailed resume or C.V. that includes:

  • Professional positions held identifying duties, responsibilities, dates of employment and reasons for leaving
  • Education and training, schools attended, dates of attendance, qualifications obtained
  • An accounting for periods of unemployment longer than three months
  • 3 Professional references.

2) A cover letter that includes current salary
The supplemental questionnaire found at our website

Closing Date: 1st April, 2022

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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