Sex toys will soon render men useless – Life coach fears

Sex toys will soon render men useless - Life coach fears
The life coach opined that if something is not done drastically, men will lose their position in the lives of women with regard to sex.

Mr. Amos Kevin-Annan, Youth Ministry Consultant and Life Coach has said that sex toys will soon render men useless in the lives if women if measures are not put in place.

He remarked that many women are turning to IVF and vibrators to meet their sexual and reproductive requirements, which can  potentially render men obsolete.

He believes that unless something drastic is done soon, men would progressively lose their place in women’s lives.

Kevin-Annan told Kwaku Nhyira-Addo of Asaase radio ahead of Father’s Day that most males are gradually becoming a nuisance to women.

The relationship counselor stated, “Every man must get accountable companionship.” Friends who aren’t going to lavish platitudes and flattery on you. Friends who will tell you straight in the face, “Guy, you’re screwing up.”

“Not a guy who will push you to cheat on your husband, because it’s becoming a headache where I sit with a lot of professional women who believe every male is a cheater, every man is unfaithful.”

“And there’s a concept that’s been broadcast on television.” It’s named Casanova [a man famed for seducing women and having numerous partners], and the story goes that every man is a Casanova.

“If we don’t change that, and I’ve said it before, guys will soon be obsolete, somewhere between IVF and vibrators,” Kevin-Annan remarked.

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The development is concerning, according to the life coach, because most women are turning to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and vibrators to meet their sexual and reproductive requirements.

In other news, A video making rounds on social media shows a rare encounter as two male lions have sex. The lions apparently are gay.

Same-sex behavior in the jungle is uncommon in the wild, but it’s not so unusual when the animals are kept in captivity.

An undated video has been circulating on social media, showcasing one of the most uncommon lion sightings in history.

Unlike many earlier recorded encounters, the new footage shows how rambunctious male lions engaged in the “abominable deed.”

According to wildlife research, lions’ mating takes only a few seconds, but this was not the case in the captured occurrence, where two male lions were engaged in a one-minute battle.

However, there are no other clues in the film about who shot it or where it was shot. However, the journal has received reliable information that the incident occurred not long ago on one of the Southern African safaris.

Watch video here.

Sex toys will soon render men useless – Life coach fears


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