6 Easy Ways To Reduce Calories In Your Food Before Eating.
Do you want to reduce the number of calories you consume while still enjoying yourself with junk food, snacks, and the like? We have some enjoyable ways to accomplish this. To achieve your goal, we recommend that you strictly follow the FDA-approved rituals listed below:
6 Easy Ways To Reduce Calories In Your Food Before Eating It
1. Heat The Food
The food will lose some calories when it is heated. Heat the food for an extended period of time until it is nearly burned. If you are in a rush, cook the food over high heat.
Imagine burning calories before to eating.
2. Blow Heat From The Food
To make life a living hell for stubborn calories, blow on the food after heating the food. This method works like magic.
3. Beat The Food (applicable to only solid foods)
Try this method if you don’t want to heat the food. If you beat the food, the calories will be afraid to enter your body. Beating the food with acane that has been soaked in water for three days will be enough to remove all the calories.
4. Serve your food in/on three or four different plates/bowls
This way, the calories won’t be able to work together against you. Fight them first, before they attack you. Divided they will fall.
5. Use fork when taking liquid foods
If you eat a liquid food with a fork, most of the calories will be gone by the time you’re done, because the calories will have trouble standing up on the fork.
6. Pray before you eat
Praying over the food is the first and most important thing to do. Tell God to turn the (fufu, banku, fries, jolly jus, etc.) into fruits and vegetables. This method works best if you pray before you eat. But if you forget and eat the food, you should still pray. There’s a 90% chance that you’ll burn off all the calories.
So here are 6 Easy and interesting Ways To Reduce Calories In Your Food Before Eating. Watch this space for more updates on such contents.
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