The popular money bouquet has be declared illegal by the Bank of Ghana (BOG). On Thursday, 30th March, 2023, Mr Dominic Owusu, the Assistant Director of the Bank of Ghana Currency Management Department, at a press briefing warned the general public against the use of the Ghana Cedi notes for money hampers and bouquets.
The Bank of Ghana has warned the general public to desist from using cedi banknotes as bouquets and hampers for gifts
According to BOG, the currency was issued to be used as a medium of exchange for the purchase of goods and services, and not for money bouquet and hampers
This comes following the rampant use of cedi notes for the wrong purposes; folding and making them into hampers and bouquets as presents for birthday celebrants, graduants etc. Mr Owusu stated that, this act is against the policy of the Bank of Ghana as it defaces the currency. This act according to the Director is subject to prosecution.
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A vast majority of young people have expressed their opinions regarding this topic after the news went viral.
On the one hand, ladies are generally the ones who stand to benefit from gifts like money bouquets and hampers, so they are not overly enthusiastic about this latest development.
On the other hand, young men are in an upbeat and happy state. This is due to the fact that young men in Ghana are put under a great deal of pressure to present their girlfriends/lovers with money bouquets on special occasions such as their birthday, Valentine’s Day, anniversary, and other significant events.
From the time Mr Dominic Owusu declared money Bouquet an illegal act in Ghana, most men believe the Bank of Ghana has assumed the role of a messiah for the male population of Ghana as they have rescued them from this new craze.