The 2021 Population and Housing Census (2021PHC) aims to provide government executives, policy and decision makers, and planners with updated population and housing data as bases for social and economic development plans, policies, and programs at the national and local levels.
On Sunday 13th June, 2021, through to 20th June, 2021, Census Officers will be visiting your residences and businesses. This visits will be mostly characterised by writing on the walls of most structures (structures qualified for numbering) mostly known as Structure Numbers (2021PHC/164/ which is also known as listing of structures.
The purpose of this exercise is to aid in the counting of the number of structures within an Enumeration Area (mostly divided according to localities) and also to aid the Enumerator assigned to that EA in identifying HOUSEHOLDS for Enumeration.
There Are Some Questions That Would Be Asked When An Enumerator Visits Your Home:
1. The Address of the Structure. The first question will require the address of the structure which includes;
- Name of Owner
- House Number
- Street Name
- Popular Landmark
2. Ghana Post Digital Address of the structure and not the whole compound. Therefore, if you have 8 structures on one compound, each structure must has its own Ghana Post Digital Address. If you are visited in your house and you don’t have a GPS address, note that an Enumerator is not supposed to generate one for you.
3. The structure use and it’s Level of Completion. That is, the purpose of the structure, what is it used for. Is it for a residential purpose, is it used as a school, is it used as a hospital, or whether it’s used as a church.
4. Toilet facility. There will be a question asked as to whether the (your) structure has a toilet facility or not.
5. The type of toilet facility. This refers particularly to where the waste is contained when discharged and not the user interface such as WC. Enumerators can be allowed to view for clarification from you the respondent if you are doubting the type and the Number of toilet rooms available in the structure.
6. Questions will be asked if any household lives in that particular structure. A household should not be confused for a family. A household can refer to a group of people, related or unrelated, with a common living arrangement, eat from a common pot and recognise one person as head. This should be explained better by the Enumerators when they visit a house.
7. Sex of the Household Head, The contact of the household head and Number of persons in The household are questions that would be asked.
We are all to note that, the actual enumeration starts on the 27th of June, 2021.
Kindly cooperate with Enumerators as they visit your homes on this national assignment.
#You Count, Get Counted.